Saturday, January 3, 2015

HEALTH: The Best Hangover Cures

HEALTH: The Best Hangover Cures

By Jorge Jefferds January 3, 2015
Recently, when you were feeling a bit under the weather from a night that was a little longer than it should have been, you turned to somebody or something for help. Your head was throbbing, your  voice went hoarse and you were staring blankly into your environment.  Thanks to these hangover cures, however, you could bounce back.

1. Got Milk?
WHOLE MILK! Simple as that! We all know that curing hangovers involves hydration and stopping nausea. If you can’t hold water or Gatorade, reach a gallon of milk and, surprisingly, will calm your stomach. In case of  lactose intolerance, the suggestion is lactose-free milk, though the effect might not be the same. Good luck and happy recovery. 
2. The Seafood Cure
Kill the hangovers with a "delicious" seafood stock: salmon, shells, oysters, etc. — any of them work. Or simply drink water, water and more water.

3. The Bangladeshi Cure
One universal hangover cure that you can find almost anywhere is the coconut water. Found either hanging high up in a tree or packaged in a carton juice pack, the Bangladeshi syrup is recognized to be a good fit for you. 

4. Miso Hangover
Nothing cures a hangover like a fine Miso Shiro, the Japanese soy paste soup. A bowl of Miso Shiro is good, helps the liver process alcohol and, after drinking, replenishes lost nutrients. The soup detoxifies and contains vitamins B2, B12, E and enzymes that help calm the stomach.
5. Fine Brine
Another best way to cure a hangover (or a severe headache) is to eat shrimps in brine before you finally hit the bed. Salt seems to restock the body's lost salts, and works mysteriously.

6. Sweat It Out
You start your morning out with a headache and sometimes a bit of booze still in your system, right?. Well, instead of lying around hurting, regretting the sins from the night before, go work it off. Does it sound? Yup.
Wake up and take a shot of N.O. Xplode. The sooner you do this, the better. The longer you lie awake and in pain, the less you will want to go. You may also down a cup of coffee to wake you up, but this stuff will do the trick and will get you in the mood, plus give you tons of energy to go to the gym. And, no, you don’t work for these guys. This stuff just works wonders for a hangover. 
Go to the gym, warm up with a minor five-minute jog, and then stretch it out. Muscles are normally pretty sore from the night before.
Following that, do a quick minor full-body workout, followed by a high-intensity cardio session. It doesn’t have to be over a long period of time. Twenty minutes at a fast pace, or 10-15 minute intervals. Enough to sweat it out. Do a nice long stretch at the end, and then hit the showers.
Depending on how far you are from the gym, you can have this done within an hour or two. Probably less time than you'd spend lying in bed. You will feel great and refreshed.
7. Strange Bedfellows
For sure, a shot of pickle juice mixed with beef bouillon. The bouillon hydrates and replaces missing electrolytes, and the pickle juice helps retain the water in the bouillon. The combination also makes the pickle taste a lot less nasty. 
8. The Science Experiment
One teaspoon of non-aluminum baking soda to eight ounces of water... BOOM!  Before you go to sleep and after you wake up.

9. Pho Real
If you have a hell of a night and need to get back in the mode to party up some more, drink a couple of Topo Chico mineral waters and then go eat some Pho. Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup that will make you sweat out all those toxins! The heat of the soup and the absorbent noodles are clearly what a party animal needs to recoup. Add a little Sriracha Hot Sauce to it, and it's like adding more coals to your personal steam apparatus!
10. Water is the best resource for a healthy life, But for hangovers...
Drink water till you puke. Then drink some more. The five minutes of misery beats the day you waste away.
11. An Apple a Day Keeps the Raging Hangover Away
This may sound weird, but eat three to four apples. The sugar and the fiber help get your blood sugar back in the right place, and the fiber will clear you out. There's also plenty of water in an apple, so it'll help hydrate you too. Does the trick every time.

12. A Shock to the System
Cure your hangovers with an ice-cold shower. Now, you don't have to start with that most mornings. In fact, take a short warm shower in the beginning. Ease yourself into a comfortable state, taking care of all the shower business of washing and whatnot. Then, just as you are about to get out, turn off all the hot water and wait for the ice-cold murder to fall on your head. It's like a punch to the soul when it arrives. You gasp for air. Slam your head against the shower wall. Take it for as long as you can stand it, which, in some cases, might be about 45 seconds on a mild hangover (say six draft beers while watching Monday night football), and up to two minutes on a bad hangover (Korean soju while singing karaoke with friends). The amount of time is actually quite irrelevant.
What matters is the clarity of your thinking. And there's really only one way to know whether you're thinking clearly — you got to stand under that cold water for as long as you possibly can, and when you think you can't take it anymore, ignore that voice. That's your inner girl. Do another 20 seconds for thinking that way. Make sure you count. And when you're done, guess what? The fog has lifted. You're totally awake. The sake worms eating away at your gray matter have f*cked off, and you're ready to kill.
A bagel, a shot of espresso, and out the door.
13. Keep It Cool
Whenever your head turns into an unstable nuclear reactor waiting to explode, the only thing that successfully might cool it off is a chocolate ice cream. It could be a Cornetto, Baskin Robbins or Haagen-Dazs, but the flavor has to be chocolate (doesn't matter whether it is dark, choco chip, etc.)
14. Midol. Yes, Midol
Drink a large glass of water and take two Tylenol or Ibuprofen. If you remember to do this before you get to bed after a heavy night of drinking, you won't wake up with a hangover. If you fail, however, to take the aspirin before bed, go to your nearest female coworker and ask her for a Midol. Yeah, it's for women, but it helps a ton!
15. The KFC Cure
Mashed potatoes with gravy from KFC. It just sops up the alcohol and puts some starch in your belly. Skip the greasy fried chicken and everything else — just go for a family-size mashed potatoes and gravy. It's all you need. When you're really in the dumps, go for the taters.
16. The Process
Getting rid of a hangover is a process. This is a typical Sunday.
Wake up, and drink as much water as you can. Go to a bar, order a double short coffee with mineral water and grapefruit juice. Coffee (no sugar, mind you) is for sobering up, mineral water is for getting hydrated enough and grapefruit juice is for vitamins and for getting rid of that awful taste in your mouth. At home, eat an omelet with greasy bacon.

17. Vitamins, Minerals and... McDonald's
If you can handle 12-16 beers a night, follow this remedy:
Have an Alka-Seltzer pack in a large glass of water. (The extra water is your friend.). Shower and brush your teeth, followed by Listerine, so that you don’t kill anybody else. Drink a large coffee. Have some greasy food (usually McDonald's Big Mac combo). Take milk thistle (for your liver) and B vitamins. Nap for about two hours. Wake up at about 75-80% of normal. Not bad. Repeat if there's hockey game on.

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